Ders Notları Arama

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 237 ders notu bulundu...

Chem411- Part1

İçindekiler: families of nutrients, digestive system organs, food as source of energy, carbon cycle, calories provided by nutrients, water and minerals, purification of municipal water, aeration, remove, filtration, disinfection, chick^s law, inorganic ions in diet, elemental analysis of a human,gida kimyasi ders notu, food chemistry ders notu, ...

Chem411- Part2

İçindekiler: proteins, meat, meat changes after slaugtilening, mik and milk product, preserving milk, cheese, fats, lipid, gida kimyasi ders notu, food chemistry ders notu, ...

Chem411- Part3

İçindekiler: conteats of an oil, cotabolism of lipids, dil micelles in blood stream, air oxidation of unsaturated oil, plant oil production, synthetic anxioxidants, production of plant oil, margarine, gida kimyasi ders notu, food chemistry ders notu, ...

Atomic Term Symbol

İçindekiler: atomik term symbol file includes some information based on physical chemistry,fizikokimya 3 ders notu, ...

Che 383

İçindekiler: statictics&probability, tüm konular özetlenmistir.kimya mühendisliginde uygulamali olasilik ve istatistik ders notu, ...