Ders Notları Arama

Yeditepe Üniversitesi Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 81 ders notu bulundu...

Medical Biochemistry-3.Bölüm

İçindekiler: tibbi biyokimya ders notu 3.bölüm, proteoglycans, types,structure and distrioution of glycosoamino glycans, keratav sulphates, heparan sulphate, syntihesis of proteoglycans, structure of collagens, non-fibrillar collagens, scrury,medical biochemistry ders notu, tibbi biyokimya ders notu, ...

Medical Biochemistry-4.Bölüm

İçindekiler: tibbi biyokimya ders notu 4.bölüm, extracellur matrix, ECM, collagen, molecular features of collegen structure, collagens secondary structure, the tiple helix, collagen a triple helix, types of collagene and their genes, collagen amino acid composition, collegen fibers,medical biochemistry ders notu, tibbi biyokimya ders notu, ...

Medical Biochemistry-5.Bölüm

İçindekiler: tibbi biyokimya ders notu 5.bölüm, non-collagenous proteins in the ECM, elastin, fibronectin, laminin, the laminas found in the renal glomerulus, muscular dystrophies, plasmalemma, epidermolysis bullosa, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, GAGs, core proteins, heparin, heparan sulfate, enzymatic defects characteristics of various mu copolysacchriooses, syudrome,medical biochemistry ders notu, tibbi biyokimya ders notu, ...

Medical Biochemistry-6.Bölüm

İçindekiler: tibbi biyokimya ders notu 6.bölüm, the element oxygen, formation of superuxide by mitochonoris, medical applications by ros, radiotherapy, tovicity of hyperoxia, the respiratory burst in macruphage, the matura of oxygen radical damage, enzymatic defenses against ros, antioxidant system in RBC,medical biochemistry ders notu, tibbi biyokimya ders notu, ...

Medical Biochemistry-7.Bölüm

İçindekiler: tibbi biyokimya ders notu 7.bölüm, cellular response to ros, enzymes include, products of hyoroxyl radical oamage to biomolecule, generation and release of during phagocyosis, free radical reactions, senitile function of methonine,medical biochemistry ders notu, tibbi biyokimya ders notu, ...